Back To Basics - Day 2


I woke up today not feeling as good as I know I should. I didn't know why but I decided to just go about my day as normal. I know that two days of eating a certain way won't make any drastic differences in my life. But tomorrow I'll be going to Pittsburgh to have brunch with a friend and then dinner with Darrin. I don't want my food and feelings to consume my life like it did years ago. So I've decided to eat "basic" today, do whatever comes up tomorrow, and then on Monday start back with simple foods that I know work for me. 

I'm totally good with this plan because let's be real, I'm going to be going out to eat and stuff on occasion and I need to factor in those experiences to see how those foods make me feel. 

But back to today for now!

Banana, date, and coconut water smoothie. This used to be a huge staple in my diet and I enjoyed making it again.

Blueberry smoothie with lemons, ginger, almond milk, bananas, and blueberries. Yum!

For lunch I made rice, black beans, and potatoes. I had a bit of nutritional yeast and bbq sauce for some flavor as well.

Green smoothie! Bananas, spinach, and water. Can't stop, won't stop with my smoothies.

Rice, veggies, and salsa for dinner!

Once my day started and I worked out, ate, etc. I didn't feel too bad until dinner. After dinner I didn't feel that great at all. I don't know if it was a coincidence or if it was something that I ate at dinner that bothered me. Either way I plan to remove the veggies and salsa that I ate for a few days and see if that is bothersome to me whenever I eat in again in the future. 

I was frustrated with not feeling good initially. But now I'm glad that it's happened. It's becoming fun and interesting for me to see what foods bother me and what foods make me feel great. Almost like connecting deeper with my own body. I think after I'm done with this little experience that I'll gain a lot of information to take away with me.

Do you have experience with digestion issues and past IBS struggles that have happened to come up again? If so, please let me know! I'd love to hear what has worked for you and what all you've tried!

Pittsburgh Weekend Adventures - Amazing Cafe + Eden

Back To Basics - Day 1