Memorial Day Cupcake Overload

Summer is officially upon us. I'm sure a lot of you will be attending picnics tomorrow or Monday. Maybe you've even started early and were at a picnic today. Either way, I'm sure you're preparing for all of the goodies that you'll be eating this weekend. I always enjoy holiday's because I get to make things with the theme of the holiday or event that I'm attending. I love creating things with a theme. I just get so many different ideas that I want to try and I usually run out of time before I can do them all!

I've really been in the cupcake mood lately. I'm not sure what it is, but I've just had so many ideas involving cupcakes and once I get an idea I need to put it to life. In this case, I wanted to work with the theme of summer foods. But at the same time, I wanted to work with flowers and bright green grass. So of course I did both! Now I have an overload of cupcakes at my house. But  what can i say, they're fun to work with!

I like to throw down a tablecloth and think of it as a blank canvas that has endless opportunities. So with the summer theme in mind, I came up with the idea above. The stem is a cinnamon stick and everything else is just icing and cupcakes. Oh and those ants on my cupcakes are the only ones allowed at my picnics. ;)

Ice cream, ice cream, we all scream for... cupcakes? You got it! Ice cream cone cupcakes. Perfect for your picnic. Take these and see how long it takes people to notice that these do not need to be put in the freezer. You sure to trick a few people!

We also can't forget the real reason that we're getting together and celebrating with our friends and families this weekend. Take some time out of your busy schedules to remember all of those who have served. Without them we wouldn't be baking yummy things and playing yard games over the next few days.

I hope you all have a fun and safe weekend! Eat lots of goodies and make lots of memories!

What're your favorite picnic desserts?

Smores On A Stick

Fitness Friday!