Integrity and Healing - Your life is your medicine if you use it as such.

Integrity and Healing - Your life is your medicine if you use it as such.

I’ve been getting back into a new morning routine this week. Sometimes I feel the call to switch things up, but the pillars are always the same.

  • Getting outside

  • Movement

  • Journaling

  • A big glass of my morning drink

  • Reading

  • Meditation/Contemplation

I cultivated this morning routine way back in 2016 and other than 2020-2021 it has stuck with me in a big way.

But, as we grow and evolve, the things that we do grow and evolve too. One thing that stays consistent is the fact that my phone is not allowed during this time unless it is used directly for any of these points, such as following along on a mobility routine video. There are days when my morning routine doesn’t take place, but they are few and far between because my day is immensely better with it as a part of it.

One thing that I recently began incorporating into my mornings is reading a book that teaches me in some way. So if I’m reading a fiction book, I’ve begun saving that to read before bed and reading something non-fiction in the mornings. The reason behind this is because by doing so I have a goal of teaching whatever it is I learned to my Instagram page. I have struggled to stay consistent with my Instagram even when I consistently claim that I want to and what better way to make it a goal than to teach others about what I’m learning.

Now, I’m not mentioning this on Instagram. So if you’re reading this here then you have the insiders scoop. But either way, I think that it is a great way to integrate that which you invest time into learning while connecting with others, too.

The other day I was reading a book that mentioned integrity. They didn’t really dive deep into it or anything but they didn’t have to because there was something within me that felt the pull to do that deep dive on my own.

And this is where it took me.

in • teg • ri • ty
1. The quality of being honest and having strong moral principals; moral uprightness
2. The state of being whole and undivided

When I think about integrity I think about a line Mary Oliver wrote.

“Are you breathing just a little, and calling it a life?”

When it comes to healing, I know how easy it is to get caught up in just that. In the midst of struggle so many of us forget to LIVE and oftentimes that is the antidote that is needed the most.

Your life is your medicine if you use it as such.

If instead, you chose to spend your days spiraling down google searches, biohacks, and supplement protocols then that is often another dose of poison.

You can choose differently though. You can write your own protocol of going on a hike, sleeping in a tent in your backyard, eating some real ice cream, saying no to that event you were invited to, or going out and doing something purely for fun.

If you get lost along the way and remove all that you love in the name of health, you lose more than just your vibrant essence of aliveness. Your integrity goes out the window too. But if you live with integrity, write your own protocol, and empower yourself to do things differently then true alignment is embodied.

Wisdom is activated.

And true healing begins.

Today I leave you with that and invite you to explore it a bit deeper with me on my new podcast!

I was initially going to start this podcast back in January but it obviously wasn’t the right timing. This week it felt like the absolutely perfect time and I couldn’t ignore the call to put it out into the world.

Please give it a listen and let me know what you think or if you have any requests for future episodes!

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