Abandoned Trolley Graveyard - Windber, PA

I finally bought a new lens for my camera. Back in 2013 I dropped it and broke it. I've been dealing with a not so ideal camera situation since then. It resulted in a lot of iPhone picture taking which I sadly got into the habit of quite quickly. But this past week I bought myself a new lens and was so excited to have it arrive in time for this past Saturday's adventure. 

I came across this article for an abandoned trolley graveyard. The website featuring cool things to do in Pennsylvania sucks me in so bad. I can look at articles on there for hours. Which is exactly how I came across this one. Once I scrolled through it I knew I had to go. I found the address and discovered that it was only about 90 minutes from my house. Meant to happen!

It was a perfect weather day yesterday and I was so excited. We parked on the street and walked back a long path through the woods and eventually stumbled upon old trains. It wasn't quite what I expected and after researching a bit more once we came home I'm not entirely sure if we were allowed back there or not due to it possibly being private property. But anyways, we kept walking past a large, rusty building and came upon a thick patch of weeds. You could see more trains back through a half beaten down path and of course I was drawn towards them. Within the overgrown woods was literally a trolley graveyard. Old, rusty, and abandoned trolleys sat. I jumped up in the first one we came across and was mesmerized by the eerie feelings of time standing still in these trains as well as the fascinating surroundings around me.

 We explored for about an hour and loved the entire experience. I want to go back! I'm so glad that I took my camera to capture the views and document the day. Since I'm equipped with a properly working lens once more I feel as if I'll be drawn to more posts like this. Post of experiences that allow the pictures to tell the story in a certain way that I'm unable to.

Cherry Springs State Park

Gratitude Project - Week 25