Choosing to Trust

I had a big long post typed out here. It was a post about vulnerability and feelings surrounding dieting and our relationships with food. I was almost finished with it and somehow when I tried to revisit it today it wasn't there. It's all gone. It's upsetting because I wrote that in a moment of frustration and I felt like it perfectly captured what I wanted to express. I know that I'm not in the right mental space right now to try to recreate it. It's just not going to happen. I'm not going to try to force it. I lost something I really wanted to share and you know what, it's okay.

Sometimes things like that happen. That's life.

I could have chosen to be mad about it and not write anything else or I could take the blank page and just start writing again with a different thing in mind.

It's clear which one I chose to do.

And that's a metaphor that can be used for any life circumstance.

Sometimes things mess up. Other times we lose something that we've put a lot into. That's how it goes and that's okay.

The things that happen to you don't define you. The way that you choose to handle those things is what matters.

For example, the other day I was making oatmeal. I went to add in the milk but accidentally knocked the whole pan over. Oats, chia seeds, and shredded coconut scattered the entire kitchen floor...
For a second I was mad but then it was okay. I got to decide how I handled that. I could either laugh it off, clean it up, and carry on or I could let it ruin my day and bring me down.

It's my choice and it's yours too.

And today when I lost my post I chose to let it go because I know that it will come back to me in due time and I will write something just as good, if not better, because that's how things were supposed to go. It all happens for a reason.

I really try to practice just going with the flow. It's a practice and a process. I'm working on things, but not in a forced or tense way. I'm letting the good and the bad happen and just dealing with each as they come. Taking it all one thing at a time and knowing that it's all going to be all right.

It's a trust that I've cultivated with the universe and myself. I know that as long as I put the work in that I will receive what I need. It might not be in the way that I want or expect but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I just show up each day and take on whatever comes my way. Good or bad, it's exactly what I need.

Gratitude Project - Week 43

I'm 24! - My Birthday Trip