Raw Gingerbread Cookies with Creamy Cashew Icing


Would December really be the same without a plate of gingerbread men hanging out in the kitchen? No, no it wouldn't be. And now you don't need to worry about trying to find a great gluten free, vegan gingerbread recipe because there's one right here! Exciting, right!?

These are very good for you and very tasty as well. You won't need to eat a lot of these to feel satisfied either. They're very rich and very flavorful. But hey, less gingerbread cookies means you get to eat a larger variety of other deserts :)

Molasses isn't a raw food, but it's very nutrient dense and that's alright with me. You could probably leave the molasses out, or substitute it for maple syrup or another flour but they wouldn't be gingerbread cookies then!


Raw Gingerbread Cookies

makes 8-10 cookies

1 cup pitted dates
1/2 cup oats
2 tablespoon unsulfured molasses
1/2 tablespoon cinnamon
2 teaspoons ginger
1 teaspoon cloves

In a food processor blend together all ingredients to create a sticky dough. Place dough between sheets of parchment paper and roll out until they're to the thickness desired. Use a cookie cutter to make your gingerbread men. You can also just roll these into gingerbread balls if you're pressed for time or don't want to make the rolled out cookies.

Creamy Cashew Icing

1/2 cup cashews
2 teaspoon water
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon vanilla

In a food processor blend together ingredients until icing/a creamy mixture is created. Place in a piping bag and create your little gingerbread men however you please.

These also taste pretty good if you heat them up for a few seconds. ;)

Serve, enjoy!

Raw Sushi with Lemon Ginger Tahini Sauce

Vegan Eggnog